It's been almost a month since Pyrkon I would like to say that we had a great time. Even tough we spent whole 3 days there, we didn't manage to see everything we wanted to, for example, we missed The Festival of Dwarvish Song "Bellow it by yourself (or with friends)". I don't know why none of us actually paid attention to it, since it's awesome! Check this out:
WARNING! If you like elves - don't watch it! As you probably know dwarves and elves are not very fond of each other and that's the main theme of most songs. Plus, they tend to use promiscuous language.
And to let you know what you've missed, here's a short report from the event. And please, notice that Jakub Ćwiek is always perfectly aware of what is going on around him :) (0.57-1.02)
And a pic from a meeting with Jakub Ćwiek, taken by me sitting in the second row :) I think I love this guy even more after Pyrkon. Not only does he write fantastic books but also is very entertaining and fun to hang out with :)
How To Use Tap And Die
10 months ago